Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Protractor - CI with AppVeyor issue on webdriver-manager update

Protractor is a nice tool to do testing of Angular applications. It really shines when used in continuous delivery scenarios because of its end to end testing capabilities. We can simply host the site and run our tests with Protractor. But when we use it with hosted CI solutions there is a chance for getting the below exception in the build process.

(node:1184) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): Error: Failed to make Github request, rate limit reached.

This happens when we issue the below command which we cannot avoid to get it working.

webdriver-manager update

One such failure can be seen here. What is really happening is that during the update, the webdriver-manager is trying to download something from GitHub for Gecko driver. Since most of the hosted CI solutions use same single IP to access outside internet, the GitHub API limits comes into play.

This is already known issue and the only way is to disable Gecko driver for now. Command to disable Gecko driver is as follows.

webdriver-manager update --gecko false

Thanks to the AppVeyor support team.

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